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EUTF Retiree – FAQs

EUTF Retiree

I’ve recently retired and enrolled in EUTF retiree health plans. Why am I receiving COBRA Continuation of Benefits Enrollment material?
I am enrolled in EUTF retiree health plans and will be eligible for Medicare in a few months. What do I need to do?
I pay a monthly premium for my EUTF retiree health plans. What are my premium payment options other than mailing in my payment to the EUTF?
How do I change my address?
Where can I get more information on EUTF plan options for retirees, enrollment procedures and eligibility criteria?
Do I need to turn in my Income-Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA) to get reimbursement for Medicare Part B?
Will I be reimbursed for Medicare Part D premiums if I’m being charged by Social Security?
Can I change plans if I move out of the coverage area?
Does my spouse or I need to be covered under an EUTF active employee plan at the time of retirement to be eligible to enroll in the EUTF retiree plans?
If I retire from the State or County and later return to work for the State or County, do I need to notify the EUTF?
I’m getting divorced and my spouse is covered under my EUTF plans. What should I do?
I’m getting married and want to add my spouse. What do I need to do?
My dependent is no longer eligible (i.e., divorce, legal separation or dissolution of domestic partnership, etc.). Do I need to notify the EUTF?
My child is no longer eligible (i.e., graduated from college, no longer a full-time student, etc.), but is under the age of 24. Do I need to notify the EUTF?
My spouse passed away. What do I need to do?
What and when is open enrollment?
How and when will I be reimbursed for my Medicare Part B premiums?
Why am I required to enroll in Medicare Part B when I am eligible?
Who is eligible for retiree health benefits?