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HSTA VB Active – Eligibility

Eligibility for coverage is determined by the Hawaii Revised Statute and by the Administrative Rules adopted by the EUTF Board of Trustees. Requests for enrollment, termination, and other changes must be submitted to the EUTF through your human resource office or enrollment designee. DOE employees must submit changes to the DOE-EBU office. If you have any questions concerning eligibility provisions, please refer to the EUTF Administrative Rules & Statutes.

Health Plans

Employee Eligibility

The following persons are eligible to enroll as employee-beneficiaries in plans offered or sponsored by the EUTF for active employees:

  • An eligible employee, including an elective officer of the State, County or legislature
  • The surviving spouse, domestic partner or civil union partner (DP/CUP) of an employee killed in the performance of duty, provided the spouse or DP/CUP does not remarry or enter into another domestic or civil union partnership, shall be enrolled in retiree plans
  • The unmarried child of an employee killed in the performance of duty, provided the child is under the limiting age, as defined in the EUTF Administrative Rule 1.02 or is an adult disabled child in accordance with the EUTF Administrative Rule 3.01(b)(3) and does not have a surviving parent who is eligible to be an employee-beneficiary, shall be enrolled in retiree plans

Dependent Eligibility

The following persons shall be eligible for coverage as dependent-beneficiaries in the benefit plans offered or sponsored by the EUTF for active employees:

  • The employee’s spouse, domestic partner or civil union partner (DP/CUP).
  • The employee or spouse/DP/CUP’s children under the age of 26 (for medical and prescription drug coverage). This includes children by birth, marriage (stepchild), or adoption or placement for adoption. For dental and vision coverage, dependent children under age 19 and from age 19 through age 23 if they are full-time students. For children covered under legal guardianship, their coverage will terminate at age 18.
  • An unmarried child, regardless of age, who is incapable of self-support due to mental/physical incapacity that existed prior to the child reaching age 19.

Group Life Insurance

Employees are eligible for the group life insurance plan offered by the EUTF.

Special Eligibility Requirements for Domestic and Civil Union Partners

Domestic Partner (DP)

A person in a spouse-like relationship with an employee-beneficiary who meets the following requirements:

  • Intend to remain in a domestic partnership with each other indefinitely.
  • Have a common residence and intend to reside together indefinitely.
  • Jointly and severally responsible for each other’s basic living expenses incurred in the domestic
    partnership such as food, shelter and medical care.
  • Neither are married or a member of another domestic partnership.
  • Not related by blood in a way that would prevent them from being married to each other in the
    State of Hawaii.
  • Both at least 18 years of age and mentally competent to contract.
  • Consent to the domestic partnership has not been obtained by force, duress or fraud.
  • Both sign and file a notarized declaration of domestic partnership (affidavit) with the EUTF.

 Civil Union Partner (CUP)

A person who has entered into a civil union under the rules established by the State Department of Health. Employees may also enroll a civil union partner’s children as dependents so long as the children meet the EUTF eligibility requirements applicable to the enrollment of dependent children.

Learn more about domestic partner/civil union enrollments.

Tax Effects

There may be Federal and State Income Tax consequences with employer paid coverage for domestic partners. There may be Federal Income Tax consequences with employer paid coverage for civil union partners. If your domestic partner does not qualify as your dependent for tax purposes, a portion of the premium paid for your domestic partner will be deemed taxable income and reported to you on the appropriate federal or state tax form. If your civil union partner does not qualify as your dependent for tax purposes, a portion of the premium paid for your civil union partner will be deemed taxable income and reported to you on the appropriate federal tax form. Consult your tax advisor to determine your domestic or civil union partner’s status. If you determine that your domestic or civil union partner is a dependent, submit a completed Affidavit of “Dependency” for Tax Purposes, available on the HSTA VB active forms page.