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No. There are prescription drugs that may not be included under the Medicare Part D plan but are covered under the EUTF non-Medicare retiree plan. The formulary lists for the ...
Read More Is the SilverScript preferred drug list (formulary) the same as the formulary for the CVS Caremark plan for non-Medicare retirees?

Yes. These are bundled coverages and cannot be enrolled in or disenrolled from separately. However, during the next open enrollment, you will be able to enroll in the EUTF (not ...
Read More I am a retiree enrolled in the HSTA VB plan. If I enroll in a non-EUTF Medicare Part D prescription drug plan, will I lose medical, vision, and chiropractic benefits?

No, but EUTF encourages you to use mail order as it saves you time and money.

Coordinating benefits between multiple plans follows standard nationally recognized rules for Coordination of Benefits. When Medicare is involved, the rules have been set by federal legislation which dictates when Medicare ...
Read More I have multiple medical and prescription drug plans through different employers. How is it determined how much each plan pays and how much I pay?

If you are enrolled in the EUTF prescription drug plan and your spouse/partner opts out of the plan, your spouse/partner will be disenrolled from the EUTF Medicare Part D plan.


Pharmacy Benefit Managers such as SilverScript and health plans like Kaiser Permanente have committees of pharmacists and other health care providers who continually review drug data and studies on new ...
Read More How do SilverScript and Kaiser choose prescription drugs for their preferred drug lists (formulary)?

All Medicare members are enrolled in the Medicare Part D plan through Kaiser Permanente Senior Advantage. The EUTF enhances the Medicare Part D coverage with supplemental drug benefits that makes ...
Read More What if I have the Kaiser Permanente Senior Advantage medical plan?

Please notify the EUTF in writing that you have enrolled in another non-EUTF Medicare Part D plan.

All Medicare Part D plans must offer a minimum coverage to meet the Standard Medicare Part D plan requirements. The EUTF and HSTA VB Medicare Part D plans (e.g., the ...
Read More Is the EUTF Medicare plan as good as other Medicare Part D plans?