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What will happen if my spouse/partner or I fail to enroll in Medicare Part B when eligible?

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EUTF Administrative Rule 5.04 (a) states:

“If an employee-beneficiary becomes eligible to enroll and fails to enroll in the federal Medicare Part B medical insurance plan, the employee-beneficiary’s enrollment in the medical and prescription drug plans offered or sponsored by the Fund and the medical and prescription drug plan coverages for dependent-beneficiaries under that enrollment shall be cancelled.”

If the spouse/partner fails to enroll, then only the spouse/partner will be cancelled from medical and prescription drug plans offered by the EUTF. If your spouse/partner wants to continue coverage under your retiree plan, your spouse/partner is required to enroll in Medicare Part B even though he/she is still working. If you fail to enroll, you, your spouse and any other dependents will also be canceled from the medical and prescription drug plans. Enrollment in Medicare Part B is required to be eligible for coverage under the EUTF retiree medical and/or prescription drug plans.