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Who is eligible for reimbursement of Medicare Part B premiums?

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Retirees hired prior to July 1, 2023 and their spouses or DPs/CUPs who are enrolled in Medicare Part B and are paying Medicare Part B premiums, including income-related monthly adjusted amount (IRMAA), are eligible for Medicare Part B premium reimbursements, excluding penalties*.

Retirees hired on or after July 1, 2023 who are enrolled in Medicare Part B and are paying Medicare Part B premiums are eligible for Medicare Part B premium reimbursements, excluding penalties and IRMAA*. Spouses or DPs/CUPs are not eligible for reimbursements of their Medicare Part B premium.

*This does not apply to dependent children or active employees eligible for Medicare who are covered by EUTF active employee plans. However, if you are an active employee, enrolled in Medicare Part B and covered by an EUTF retiree plan through your spouse or DP/CUP (hired prior to July 1, 2023), your spouse or DP/CUP is entitled to Medicare Part B reimbursement for you.