Acquisition of Coverage
(Watch video on Acquisition of Coverage)
EVENT DESCRIPTION: Employee or dependent gets coverage from another plan and wishes to cancel EUTF or HSTA VB plans
WHEN EC-1/EC-1H MUST BE SUBMITTED TO EMPLOYER (Personnel Office): Within 45 days of acquisition of coverage
DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED TO BE ATTACHED TO EC-1/EC-1H: Letter from carrier or employer detailing type of coverage enrolled in (i.e., medical, drug, dental, vision), effective date of coverage, and names of covered dependents within 45 days from the date of acquisition.
EFFECTIVE DATE: If coverage is gained on the 1st of the month, EUTF coverage ends last day of the month preceding. If coverage is gained on the 16th of the month, EUTF coverage ends on the 15th of the month. Otherwise, coverage ends the first day of the pay period following the acquisition of non-EUTF coverage.
CHANGES ALLOWED TO PLANS?: Employee may enroll in the supplemental health benefit plan effective the first day of the pay period following the cancellation of their EUTF coverage.