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Who We Are

The Hawaii Employer-Union Health Benefits Trust Fund or more commonly known as the EUTF provides medical, chiropractic, prescription drug, dental, vision, and life insurance benefits to all eligible State of Hawaii, City and County of Honolulu, County of Hawaii, County of Maui and County of Kauai employees and retirees. The EUTF covers approximately 68,000 active employees plus 60,000 of their dependents, and 47,000 retirees plus 20,000 of their dependents.
The EUTF began providing insurance benefits to State and county employees and retirees on July 1, 2003. Governing documents are Chapter 87A, Hawaii Revised Statutes and the EUTF Administrative Rules.
The EUTF is a State agency administratively attached to the State of Hawaii Department of Budget and Finance and is governed by a board of trustees. All EUTF employees are also State employees. The board is comprised of 10 trustees – 5 representing the employers and 5 representing the employees. The board generally meets monthly. The board appoints an Administrator to oversee daily operations.
The EUTF is responsible for designing the health benefit plans (e.g., coinsurance, copayments and deductibles) subject to federal and state regulations, contracting with insurance carriers and pharmacy benefit managers to provide the services, and developing and/or negotiating premium rates. Employer contributions for active employee insurance premiums are based on applicable public sector collective bargaining agreements or by executive order. Employer contributions for retiree insurance premiums are based on Chapter 87A, Hawaii Revised Statutes.
The Employees’ Retirement System of the State of Hawaii (ERS) is a sister agency of the EUTF that administers pension benefits for State and county retirees. While the EUTF and ERS are separate and distinct organizations, both organizations work together to serve State and county government employees.

Our Mission at the EUTF:
We care for the health and well being of our beneficiaries by striving to provide quality benefit plans that are affordable, reliable, and meet their changing needs. We provide informed service that is excellent, courteous, and compassionate.