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My dependent is no longer eligible (i.e., divorce, legal separation or dissolution of domestic partnership, etc.). Do I need to notify the EUTF?

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Divorced or legally separated spouse/civil union partners, or domestic partners whose partnership has been dissolved are no longer eligible for EUTF plans, regardless of whether your divorce decree indicates that coverage must be afforded to your spouse.  You must notify the EUTF within 45 days from the divorce or legally separated filing dates or date of the termination of domestic partnership and terminate your dependent’s coverage.

Complete an EC-2 or EC-2H (for HSTA VB members) form and submit it to the EUTF within 45 days to remove your dependent from your EUTF plans.  If the EC-2/EC-2H is filed more than 60 days after the date of divorce/partnership, the retiree shall be responsible for paying the employer contribution of premiums retroactive to the divorce date.