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Active Employees – Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment
Open Enrollment (OE) is the time for you to review whether the health coverage you have for yourself and your family continues to best meet your needs. The OE election period is April 1 – 30, 2024.
Attend an OE informational session to learn more about making enrollment changes through the Member Self-Service Portal, required supporting documents, and plan and premium changes effective July 1, 2024. View the OE session schedule.
During the OE election period, you can:

  • Add a plan, change from one plan to another, or drop a plan
  • Add an eligible dependent or remove a dependent
  • Change coverage tiers, such as changing from Self to Family or Family to Two-Party
If you decide to keep your current plans, you don’t need to take action. You are not required to complete any forms to continue your current coverage.
If you are making changes, submit changes through the EUTF Member Self-Service Portal or complete and submit the EC-1 (or EC-1H for those enrolled in HSTA VB benefit plans) enrollment form.
OE change requests and required supporting documents must be submitted through the EUTF Member Self-Service Portal by April 30, 2024. If you don’t enroll through the EUTF Member Self-Service Portal, submit your completed EC-1/EC-1H enrollment form and required supporting documents to your employer’s open enrollment designee by April 30, 2024, for changes to be effective July 1, 2024. The EUTF will not contact you regarding outstanding supporting documents and late submissions will not be accepted.

Required Supporting Documents
Enrollment Type
Required Documents
No documents required
Adding a Spouse/Partner
  • Marriage or Civil Union Certificate
  • Domestic Partnership – Notarized Declaration of Domestic Partnership, Affidavit of Dependency & Acknowledgement, and two sets of documents showing proof of shared residency
Adding a Dependent Child
  • Birth Certificate
  • Guardianship Decree (if legal guardian)
  • Adoption Decree (if child is placed for adoption or adopted)
Dependent Children Ages 19 through 23 (Full-Time Students Enrolling in Dental and Vision Plans)
  • Student Certification from accredited school on school letterhead with registrar’s signature or certificate from the National Student Clearinghouse confirming full-time status (transcripts and class schedule are not accepted).

Employee Health Benefits Reference Guide (PDF)
Open Enrollment Informational Session Schedule (PDF)
Open Enrollment Flier (PDF)
Member Self-Service Portal Instructions (PDF)
2024-25 EC-1 Enrollment Form (PDF)
2024-25 EC-1H Enrollment Form for HSTA VB (PDF)
EUTF Active Employee Rates and Contributions